This is my 100th blog post! Only took me three years to get here. Thanks to everyone who has been reading.
It's officially December. Like I mentioned in my last post, November was kind of a blur. I'm not sure why but I think it has to do with getting settled and finally getting into some kind of routine. November started in Germany and ended with us planning trips for next year. It could also be blurry because Rob grew a mustache for "movember" and I have chosen to block it from my mind.
About mid November we had a conversation about when Thanksgiving was. We had no idea except that it was on a Thursday. Rob had to work on Thanksgiving and the day after so it did feel pretty strange. But we did spend the evening with friends and had some delicious food and great company.
Life is starting to feel pretty normal around here. We were told it takes 3 months and they were right. We have started going to the Soignies market on Sunday mornings. My french improves each time I go so I have been really enjoying it. I was able to order all this in french...with a little bit of pointing and smiling.
Rob and Duke have been having some serious man-conversations about Duke making his way to dad's pillow throughout the night. This documentation of the deal they made. Duke promised he would sleep at the end of the bed as long as he didn't have to sleep on the floor.
Masterson Peace Talk |
Last weekend we took the train to Brussels to do some Christmas shopping. We came home with 2 loaves of bread and 3 Christmas beers. All delicious and not any closer to buying Christmas gifts. Believe me, if we could send beer Christmas shopping would have been done a long time ago.
St. Bernardus, Delirium, St. Feuillien |
In this
post I showed the table I bought at the Waterloo market. I finally found a fabric store and reupholstered the chairs.
before/after |
It's Christmas market season in Europe. Most cities have them through December. SHAPE also has small markets each weekend. We have gone to the Canadian, Norwegian and German markets. All have native food and drink like Gluhwein, bratwurst, moose milk, etc.
Canadian Moose Milk, eh. So much better than eggnog. |
We have started planning trips for next year. We booked Venice, Italy over Easter and hoping to take some kind of beach vacation next summer/fall. I also started training for a half marathon in Paris in March so we will be going there, although I am not sure I can consider it a vacation.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, we are watching yesterday's football before we head to the Brussels Christmas Market!