It has been almost three years since my mom passed away. This time of year always brings a lot reflection from where I was 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 3 years ago, last year, etc. I think about who was in my life, where I lived, what was important to me at the time. My mom is in almost every memory. Including those made from that last three years. She still influences every decision I make. WWMD. What would mom do? Yes, I still do that. I also think to myself, this is not how my mom would do it. Like the looks she would give knowing I wear leggings as pants and that I just went 4 months without getting my hair highlighted. Or that I refuse to use canned soups when I cook. The same look she gave me when I insisted on wearing my Sambas and Umbros to school in 5th grade. Oh the looks! I also remember the looks she gave when I would win a tennis match and score a goal in my soccer game. Or when we would go dress shopping in high school (even when she didn't like my date) and I always ended up buying the dresses she found because that woman could SHOP. Her reaction and reassurance were better than any mirror will ever be. Those looks are the ones that cannot ever be relived but I will also never forget. Remembering those looks is nothing new, but laughing and smiling as I write about them is. I can confirm that time does heal all wounds. While I cannot remember what Rob just called and asked me to do (for real), those memories are locked in a place that I can always access and still continue to shape who I am. Three years is a long time to be in a tunnel but when you can see the light at the end you know it was worth it, and I am finally there. Realizing that, I am fully aware that I wouldn't be where I am today without my family and friends that have been helping along the way. As three years approaches, the word t h a n k f u l is truly how I feel. Thankful for my past, present and future.