My blog is turning into a "life of a housewife" blog. Except I don't have children dressed in Anthropologie clothes, I can't create a centerpiece out of a toilet paper roll and I'm really not that great in the kitchen although I do enjoy trying. One thing I can do, recycle clothing from 2005 and make it look good....ok good enough. See pic below. Gap 2005 Holiday collection puffy vest. Bought it in college like a good employee should, wore it less than 10 times. Now that I am a Colorado resident (officially as of yesterday, when I officially changed my name) I wear this vest at least 3 times a week. From dog walks to date nights, it comes through every time. Do I wish it was a cute plaid flannel with a fur collar? Yes. Would I look ridic in Colorado wearing that? Yes. Note, when I say Colorado- I mean Colorado Springs...a much different place than Denver and every other place I have been in Colorado. Since I have moved every year for the past 5 I started getting pretty good and keeping my closet lean, things like this help me justify going back to my old ways.

As I write this Rob is working on putting together his wedding man-gift. We collected some gift cards and went to home depot (ha, wore my vest- no joke). Its coming together quite nicely. We went ahead and bought it now so we could use it while my dad is here visiting next week and start our own tradition of grilling out on Christmas. Yes, our walls are THAT blue, not a camera malfunction.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Christmas is only a stones-throw away. Notice I didn't give an update on my Christmas shopping, gingerbread baking, etc. Maybe next week.
yay for you back to blogging! regularly? :) love the vest. i see you have an iphone, do you have instagram app? you should! it's fun.