This is what I vision our cute little house in Belgium to look like. I am sure I will be rudely awakened upon arrival. But I am pretty obsessed with how cute and simple it is. The fact that we will be living in Belgium for 3 years sounds like an eternity to me. I haven't lived in one apartment/house for more than a year since I left for college. I lived in a different place every year during college and then moved apartments every year since then. Why did I do that to myself? I am looking forward to finding a place we can call home for 3 years, feels like such a big commitment! 4 months and counting!
More into about the house:
um, yes please. that place looks perfect! i really hope we get to see you two before you leave; however, if not, i know that we have europe reunion 2013 to anticipate! LOVED seeing you this weekend!!!