
I'm Back!

Ok Ok, so my coutdown to KC- failed.  It was fun until I didn't sit in front of a computer every day, didn't have a computer and didn't have Internet for about 6 weeks.  Beyond that....no excuses except that Colorado in the summer deserved all the outdoor time I could give to it.  A few things that have changed in my life over the past 3 months...

Moving: We are settled in Colorado Springs!  We love it out here so far and have been taking full advantage or this beautiful place.  Since moving here I have been to Denver, Copper Mountain, Boulder and Tabernash as well....all amazing. 

Our Baby: Don't worry no pre-wedding baby bumps, we have a puppy!  Duke has pretty much taken over our lives.  Being jobless...we spend a lot of our days walking, eating wood chips (Duke, not me) and taking the occasional afternoon snooze (Duke, not me...welll).  I will do my best to control my Duke pictures and mentions.

Baby Emily Mae Spence is here: She arrived last week and is just perfect.  This little California baby will be at the beach in no time I'm sure.  Such a proud aunt!

Like mentioned above: I am jobless.  Some days its cool, some days its painful.  I am pretty lucky that I get to see so much of Colorado but there are definitely things I miss about working too. I am sure my future blog posts will reflect the way I feel on that specific day.  Hopefully our next move (July 2012) will take us to a place where I can work and/or go back to school.  We shall see.

Feels good to be back....fall is is definitely present in Colorado bringing 60 degree temps :)