
switching things up...

well guys, I haven't really had a chance to find anything fabulous this week, if I must be honest I have been looking at wedding stuff (more than normal).  I am that girl, I fa real have wedding on the brain. I know it will go away but right now, I am embracing it :)  There is probably a million fabulous wedding things I could add for champagne Friday...but that isn't going to happen this afternoon.

Something that is a million times more adorable and captivating than any fabulous bracelet or pair of shoes is this father/daughter duet of the song "Home" by Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros.  Now I am not the first to discover this duet, unfortunately 2,851,579 people did before me...but you you haven't watched this...take a moment, you won't be disappointed. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this father/daughter duet! They were on Ellen yesterday and she is the most adorable little girl!

    The obsession with the wedding will pass. At your rate, the entire day will be planned in a month! Then, you will start planning the honeymoon, new house decorations, etc! It never ends :)! So much fun though! Love you!
