

Currently working on my strategy to talk Rob into this bedding from Anthropologie. Suggestions welcome, this won't be easy.

Sophie Bedding
Sophie Bedding


  1. You have to ask for something bigger, better, and more extravagant, so that when he says "no", this bedding can be your follow-up question. "So, if you wont let me get the horse I want, can we at least settle for this cute bedding?" (Insert photo here...)

  2. Perfect idea! Picture Rob and I driving through Brookside...

    Jill: Rob, look at that adorable little house on the corner, its for sale! We should look into it!
    Rob: No (along with are you crazy look
    Jill: You're right, thanks for keeping me grounded (pause) well since we can't move into a house, let's make the most of our 1 bedroom...look at this awesome bedding I found(pull out Anthro catalog now)

    That just might work Karen...

  3. I swooned over the new Christmas stuff in the Anthro catalog last night!

  4. I LOVE the bedding. Too bad you and Rob just got new bedding less than 4 months ago...

    Just tell him that your current bedroom stuff can be used for a future guest bedroom? If you keep begging, he will give in...

  5. oh girl. i've been working on brian for 8 years! i just buy stuff, hide it and then pull it out exclaiming it was a gift! hahah

    but no, really.
